...Whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. Romans 8:29

WE SERVE As A medium to reach out to youth with the gospel of christ
Becoming Like Christ Youth -
Our AIM is to redeem the Youth of our generation from the shackles of substance dependency, cultism, perversity, and poverty with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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Our  AIM
Our AIM is to redeem the Youth of our generation from the shackles of substance dependency, cultism, perversity, and poverty with the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is a crucial war raging between God and Satan over the souls of humanity. It’s a war that has lasted from the beginning of the world.
Satan through sin has captured man and doomed him to eternal death. However God through Jesus Christ has come to our rescue, defeating Satan and sin by dying on the cross. He promises salvation and eternal life to anyone who believes.
However the problem here is that many have not believed (BE AND LIVING for Christ) Romans 10:14. It is sad that even those that know the truth are complacent about the very purpose of their salvation and existence.
It is in this context that God is raising up an army to be His last joker in this present time for the spreading of this all important information to all of mankind. It is with this urgency that Becoming Like Christ (BLC) Sermon was born.
-Pastor Chidi Benny Ozodo
Founder of BLC Army
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1. Excellence: Pursuing perfection at any cost (Daniel 6:3) 2. Hospitality: Exuding Love and care at all times ( Mathew 25:35) 3. Integrity: On the cutting edge of uprightness in all dealings (Proverbs 11:3) 4. Courage: A daring spirit to take risks for the kingdom (Proverbs 28:1) 5. Servant leadership: Leading by exemplary Service ( Mathew 20:28) 6. Purity: Moral standing before God and men ( 1Peter 1:16) 7. Discipline: Being diligent in carrying out duty (Proverbs 22:29) 8. Unity: Willingness to work together as a team towards a common goal ( Psalms 133:1) 9. Loyalty: Living for the interest of one another and willingness to submit to leadership ( Hebrews 13:17) 10. Word Foundation: Gods word is the foundation on which the ministry stands ( Psalms 119:105)
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For the Cross
Our Vision

To see to the evangelization of Youth around the world so that they will become like Christ in lifestyle and character

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Our Mission

To train Youth to reach their full potentials and then become an outreach channel to other youth through their lifestyle and witness. Channelling effective tools to ensure that Youth are evangelized empowered and positioned to make an impact for Christ in the world

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                  OUR TARGETS

Secondary (High) School students

Tertiary (College) School Youth

Jungles and streets in communities

The church

Interested individuals willing to develop spiritually.

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Our Goals and Objectives
i. To identify and reach out to troubled and harm-prone Youth, offering them a way out through rehabilitation, empowerment and reintegration 
ii. To provide and implement tools to effectively engage Youth; using sports, recreation and entertainment to redirect them to a more positive exertion of their energy 
iii. To eradicate poverty among Youth by providing an alternative means of sustainable support, through training, education and business platforms 
iv. To give youth an opportunity to experience a fulfilling life in Jesus Christ

· Jinkai ( Mercy ) Free Kitchen : Feeding the hungry with a free meal weekly

· Theo-creative force (talent)

· Sports

· Education


BLC FIND CONTEXTS (Places and spaces where BLC engages with the unsaved)

  1. Ø Street/ Jungle FIND
  2. Ø Professional FIND
  3. Ø Rural FIND
  4. Ø Cyber FIND
  5. Ø Campus FIND
  6. Ø Community FIND
some facts
Souls Won
BLC PCN-Partners
professional staff
Joining BLC have impacted my life, relationship with God, people and my family, it really inspired me and strengthen my spiritual growth. It changed my perspective from seeing the world. It brought inner joy and peace with a sense of belonging recognising the value of God's presence in my life. After reading the book " Raindrops from Heaven" I know my real purpose as a Christian.
New Convert
My name is Rose Paul Samuel . Living in jos plateau state Nigeria , a widow with 3 kids,
Am a living proof that in spite my pain heed deep for loosing my husband. God stretched forth his hands and pull me out and give me hope through joining the BLC MINISTERY, GOD BLESSED BLC FOR COMING THROUGH FOR ME,
New Convert
Blc through the help of the most high God,was able to help me stay away from addiction of drugs and alcohol, through them I was able to keep my life intact and find purpose ,blc has assisted me financially, even when my sick mother was admitted and so many other things that my mouth can not mention,I just want to bless the name of the lord for using this ministry to come through for me,I pray that many will find purpose I I have did,Amen
former Drug addict
latest news
Sharing the goodnews of Christ to the Lord, winning souls and breaking grounds for Christ Jesus.
Empowering Widows in VOM JOS SOUTH, PLATEAU STATE : A Beacon of Hope

In a heartwarming initiative, BECOMING LIKE CHRIST recently organized a philanthropic program aimed at empowering widows in VOM COMMUNITY. This program, held on 21st December 2024, was a testament to our commitment to uplifting the lives of those who have faced significant hardships.