...Whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. Romans 8:29

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There is a big problem! The world is becoming more and more youthful. Most developing countries are populated largely by youth. For instance Nigeria’s 210,000,000 populace is made up of 70 % youth!  The problem however is not the exploding youth population but the inability of society to tame their excesses and impact on them positively. Many vices and crimes in urban cities around the world are perpetuated by young people! It seems that all hope has been totally lost. Or has it?   Becoming Like Christ (BLC) Services is a holistic Youth development movement seeking to tackle these problems by the Help of the Holy Spirit.

Our AIM is to redeem the Youth of our generation from the shackles of substance dependency, cultism, perversity, and poverty with the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is a crucial war raging between God and Satan over the souls of humanity. It’s a war that has lasted from the beginning of the world. Satan through sin has captured man and doomed him to eternal death. However God through Jesus Christ has come to our rescue, defeating Satan and sin by dying on the cross. He promises salvation and eternal life to anyone who believes. However the problem here is that many have not believed (BE AND LIVING for Christ) Romans 10:14. It is sad that even those that know the truth are complacent about the very purpose of their salvation and existence. It is in this context that God is raising up an army to be His last joker in this present time for the spreading of this all important information to all of mankind. It is with this urgency that Becoming Like Christ (BLC) Sermon was born.

By the Leading of the Holy Spirit Benny Chidi Ozodo galvanized a team of seven individuals to begin BLC on the 10th of January 2007. Our mission is to know Jesus and to be trained for the work of the harvest. Therefore WE EXIST to train youth to reach their full potentials in Christ and then become an outreach channel to other youth through their Christ likeness and witness. In other words we are training the youth to become a channel through which other youth are saved.
Benny Chidi Ozodo
By the Leading of the Holy Spirit Benny Chidi Ozodo galvanized a team of seven individuals to begin BLC on the 10th of January 2007. Our mission is to know Jesus and to be trained for the work of the harvest. Therefore WE EXIST to train youth to reach their full potentials in Christ and then become an outreach channel to other youth through their Christlikeness and witness. In other words we are training the youth to become a channel through which other youth are saved.
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Meet Our Team
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Pastor Benny Chidi Ozodo


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Hilda Joy

HR Manager

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Patient Ozodo

Special Advisor to Director

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Mercy Sabastine

Secretary and Admin officer

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Mrs Rose Paul Samuel

BLC Widows Empowerment Service Coordinator

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Nanret Yusuf

Spiritual Formation Director

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Mr Daniel Lodam

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